The Best of Book Marketing - Episodes

The best book marketing advice - everything authors need to find readers who will love and appreciate their work.

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Book Marketing Lainey Cameron Book Marketing Lainey Cameron

Episode 110: Navigating Author Career Change with Camille Pagán

Nothing in life goes as expected, and the same is true for our author journeys. Making a career change in our author lives can feel uncomfortable, scary and even like admitting failure. But change also presents opportunities to grow, innovate, and become even better.

This episode, Lainey and Paulette welcome the incomparable, Camile Pagán, to discuss how to successfully navigate career pivots and emerge stronger on the other side.

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Book Marketing Lainey Cameron Book Marketing Lainey Cameron

Episode 108: How to Get Your Book in a Bookstore or Library with Mark Leslie Lefebvre

With special guest, Mark Leslie Lefebvre. Nothing excites the imagination of an author more than seeing our books on the shelves of bookstores and libraries. But how do you get your book in a bookstore or library? In this episode, we're pleased to welcome Mark Leslie Lefebvre, an author, professional speaker and bookseller with over 30 years of experience, to talk about how to work with book sellers and librarians to get your book noticed and on shelves.

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Book Marketing Lainey Cameron Book Marketing Lainey Cameron

Episode 104: How Publishing Path Impacts Your Book Marketing Strategy - with Special Guests, Michelle Cox and Alison Hammer

A book is a book, but how you market it varies greatly by publishing path. From traditional, to small press, to self-publishing, the tactics and book marketing strategy for each will be different.

Tune-in to hear our author panel of Alison Hammer, Michelle Cox, Lainey Cameron and Paulette Stout discuss how to find book marketing success, regardless of how you publish.

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Book Marketing Lainey Cameron Book Marketing Lainey Cameron

Episode 101: Welcome to the Best of Book Marketing!

Paulette Stout and Lainey Cameron introduce our new book marketing podcast, talk about setting realistic expectations when building an author platform, and how to avoid the biggest book marketing mistakes.

They also chat about the dangers of comparing to others and share a free resource for download - Lainey’s book marketing framework.

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